Deon Snyman, a full-time worker of the Foundation for Church-led Restitution, suggested that the property owners should invest the 'dividend' they earned from the steep increase of the value of real estate into a fund to empower the poor. ...... In mission history the example of Count's Zinzendorf's grandmother, Henriette von Gersdorf, is unequalled. How a grandmother can have a positive influence on her off-spring, is amply illustrated in the life of Count Zinzendorf. ...
... ?Deathwatch for My Gather?, ?The Abacos?, in Elegies &Vacations; Jackson Mac Low, ?17th Merzgedichte in Memoriam Kurt Schwitters?, in 42 Merzgedichte in Memoriam Kurt Schwitters; Simon Turner, ?In C?, at Litter; Nathaniel Mackey, ...